
Note for Hotgas Defrost with the UA 131 E

The parameter "HG operation" must be set to ON if Hotgas Defrost is used. This parameter will then also automatically be changed if the case controller is requested to initiate Hotgas Defrost by a pack controller via the CAN bus.
From this time, the initiation of a manual defrost is no longer possible for safety reasons and also not possible using LDSWin. The Defrost Timer must first be reset manually to INT for this. 

Note for Hotgas Defrost with the UA 131 E

The parameter "HG operation" must be set to ON if Hotgas Defrost is used. This parameter will then also automatically be changed if the case controller is requested to initiate Hotgas Defrost by a pack controller via the CAN bus.
From this time, the initiation of a manual defrost is no longer possible for safety reasons and also not possible using LDSWin. The Defrost Timer must first be reset manually to INT for this. 

Note for Hotgas Defrost with the UA 131 E

The parameter "HG operation" must be set to ON if Hotgas Defrost is used. This parameter will then also automatically be changed if the case controller is requested to initiate Hotgas Defrost by a pack controller via the CAN bus.
From this time, the initiation of a manual defrost is no longer possible for safety reasons and also not possible using LDSWin. The Defrost Timer must first be reset manually to INT for this. 


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