
General UA 300: setpoints are permanently adjusted / an "EEPROM defective" warning is output!

1. Check whether a case controller of the type UA 300 CC (Version >=V2.47 and less than V2.51) is being used as a standalone controller. This is not recommended as the "CC" controllers have been developed for integration in the CAN bus. These can be used as standalone controllers with the following workaround: The parameter "Daylight Saving" (Menu 3-1) must be set to "N" (once to "Y", confirm the entry with ENTER and then to "N" again; also confirm this entry with ENTER again). 

IMPORTANT: The value must remain at the "N" setting for "CC" controllers. 
The controller can be configured afterwards (e.g. setpoints/time)
2. If 1.does not apply, then contact manufacturer. 

General UA 300: setpoints are permanently adjusted / an "EEPROM defective" warning is output!

1. Check whether a case controller of the type UA 300 CC (Version >=V2.47 and less than V2.51) is being used as a standalone controller. This is not recommended as the "CC" controllers have been developed for integration in the CAN bus. These can be used as standalone controllers with the following workaround: The parameter "Daylight Saving" (Menu 3-1) must be set to "N" (once to "Y", confirm the entry with ENTER and then to "N" again; also confirm this entry with ENTER again). 

IMPORTANT: The value must remain at the "N" setting for "CC" controllers. 
The controller can be configured afterwards (e.g. setpoints/time)
2. If 1.does not apply, then contact manufacturer. 

General UA 300: setpoints are permanently adjusted / an "EEPROM defective" warning is output!

1. Check whether a case controller of the type UA 300 CC (Version >=V2.47 and less than V2.51) is being used as a standalone controller. This is not recommended as the "CC" controllers have been developed for integration in the CAN bus. These can be used as standalone controllers with the following workaround: The parameter "Daylight Saving" (Menu 3-1) must be set to "N" (once to "Y", confirm the entry with ENTER and then to "N" again; also confirm this entry with ENTER again). 

IMPORTANT: The value must remain at the "N" setting for "CC" controllers. 
The controller can be configured afterwards (e.g. setpoints/time)
2. If 1.does not apply, then contact manufacturer. 


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