
Receiver Module & Wireless Sensors

Receiver Module WR 300 & Wireless Sensors TS 30 W / TS 30 XW.

With E*LDS you can mon­i­tor and doc­u­ment all the tem­per­a­tures mea­sured with­in a sys­tem. Where fur­ther mea­sur­ing points, not re­quired for reg­u­la­tion, are to be in­clud­ed in the tem­per­a­ture mon­i­tor­ing, then the wire­less sen­sor sys­tem from Eck­el­mann is ex­act­ly the right ad­di­tion.

For more information please refer to the web site.

Receiver Module | Wireless Sensors

Receiver Module & Wireless Sensors

Receiver Module WR 300 & Wireless Sensors TS 30 W / TS 30 XW.

With E*LDS you can mon­i­tor and doc­u­ment all the tem­per­a­tures mea­sured with­in a sys­tem. Where fur­ther mea­sur­ing points, not re­quired for reg­u­la­tion, are to be in­clud­ed in the tem­per­a­ture mon­i­tor­ing, then the wire­less sen­sor sys­tem from Eck­el­mann is ex­act­ly the right ad­di­tion.

For more information please refer to the web site.

Receiver Module | Wireless Sensors

Receiver Module & Wireless Sensors

Receiver Module WR 300 & Wireless Sensors TS 30 W / TS 30 XW.

With E*LDS you can mon­i­tor and doc­u­ment all the tem­per­a­tures mea­sured with­in a sys­tem. Where fur­ther mea­sur­ing points, not re­quired for reg­u­la­tion, are to be in­clud­ed in the tem­per­a­ture mon­i­tor­ing, then the wire­less sen­sor sys­tem from Eck­el­mann is ex­act­ly the right ad­di­tion.

For more information please refer to the web site.

Receiver Module | Wireless Sensors

Jeder User des EDP hat einen zusätzlichen Cloud-Speicher. Innerhalb der OwnCloud können Pfade erstellt werden, die hierüber mit einer EDP-Komponente verknüpft werden.

Auf diese Weise sind z.B. Massen-Uploads ins EDP möglich, d.h. es können beliebig viele Dokumente in den Pfad der OwnCloud kopiert werden, die dann automatisch in die zugeordnete Komponente im EDP synchronisiert werden.