
Case Controllers

Case con­trollers are used to con­trol the tem­per­a­ture at the evap­o­ra­tor dur­ing the heat trans­fer, for in­stance, be­tween the air cir­cu­lat­ing through the re­frig­er­at­ed cab­i­net and the re­frig­er­ant. Whether used lo­cal­ly or cen­tral­ly, i.e. in re­frig­er­at­ed cab­i­nets or in switch cab­i­nets, our case con­trollers op­ti­mise this pro­cess and im­prove en­er­gy ef­fi­cien­cy.

Case Controllers

Case con­trollers are used to con­trol the tem­per­a­ture at the evap­o­ra­tor dur­ing the heat trans­fer, for in­stance, be­tween the air cir­cu­lat­ing through the re­frig­er­at­ed cab­i­net and the re­frig­er­ant. Whether used lo­cal­ly or cen­tral­ly, i.e. in re­frig­er­at­ed cab­i­nets or in switch cab­i­nets, our case con­trollers op­ti­mise this pro­cess and im­prove en­er­gy ef­fi­cien­cy.

Case Controllers

Case con­trollers are used to con­trol the tem­per­a­ture at the evap­o­ra­tor dur­ing the heat trans­fer, for in­stance, be­tween the air cir­cu­lat­ing through the re­frig­er­at­ed cab­i­net and the re­frig­er­ant. Whether used lo­cal­ly or cen­tral­ly, i.e. in re­frig­er­at­ed cab­i­nets or in switch cab­i­nets, our case con­trollers op­ti­mise this pro­cess and im­prove en­er­gy ef­fi­cien­cy.


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