
How can the simple variant of the fan controller be switched to for the UR 141 TK?

The fans should switch as follows: ON/ OFF with Cooling, OFF for Defrost, after expiry of the drip time without delay ON again.
Necessary setting: Fan Delay to "---", Fan Overrun to 0 minutes; for single zone controllers, set the the heating circuit setpoint to "---".

How can the simple variant of the fan controller be switched to for the UR 141 TK?

The fans should switch as follows: ON/ OFF with Cooling, OFF for Defrost, after expiry of the drip time without delay ON again.
Necessary setting: Fan Delay to "---", Fan Overrun to 0 minutes; for single zone controllers, set the the heating circuit setpoint to "---".

How can the simple variant of the fan controller be switched to for the UR 141 TK?

The fans should switch as follows: ON/ OFF with Cooling, OFF for Defrost, after expiry of the drip time without delay ON again.
Necessary setting: Fan Delay to "---", Fan Overrun to 0 minutes; for single zone controllers, set the the heating circuit setpoint to "---".

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