1. Set defrost timer to external. Wait 10 seconds. If necessary, deactivate the "manual defrost" first. Wait 10 seconds. Initiate the "manual defrost".
2. Deactivate the "manual defrost" first. Wait 10 seconds. Initiate the "manual defrost".
3. Deactivate intermittent defrost on demand or activate and deactivate again the "manual defrost" several times. Wait 10 seconds between each action.
4. Wait until the temperatures have reached sensible values again and check sensor placement.
5. Let wait time elapse. Activate the defrost relay afterwards. If necessary deactivate the wait time (and possibly the drip time). The defrost must first be ended after a possible deactivation. After waiting for 10 seconds, the defrost can be initiated manually again without having to wait for the wait time to elapse.
6. Wait until the defrost sensors have cooled. Alternatively: Set the defrost temperature for initiation of the manual defrost to "---".
Possible causes:
a) earlier internal defrost; Safe Defrost Time not yet expired
b) earlier manual defrost; Safe Defrost Time not yet expired (only concerns LDSWin)
c) defrost on demand is set
d) High/Low Temperature alarm is active and the evaporator sensor of the zone is warmer than the specified return air setpoint.
e) wait time is activated
f) defrost sensor too warm