
Does the CI 3000 store computer have a Modbus interface to a higher level BMS?

Yes, from Version >=4.08, a higher level BMS can be connected to the COM2 port of the store computer. The COM2 port must be configured for this using the menu 6-1-9 of the store computer: a check mark for "Modbus BMS" (previously "Priva HX 8E") must be set there.

Does the CI 3000 store computer have a Modbus interface to a higher level BMS?

Yes, from Version >=4.08, a higher level BMS can be connected to the COM2 port of the store computer. The COM2 port must be configured for this using the menu 6-1-9 of the store computer: a check mark for "Modbus BMS" (previously "Priva HX 8E") must be set there.

Does the CI 3000 store computer have a Modbus interface to a higher level BMS?

Yes, from Version >=4.08, a higher level BMS can be connected to the COM2 port of the store computer. The COM2 port must be configured for this using the menu 6-1-9 of the store computer: a check mark for "Modbus BMS" (previously "Priva HX 8E") must be set there.


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