
Message "Consumers dis." is shown on the display!

For old VS 3000 (with firmware versions less than V2.00), consumer lockouts occur if all compressors are interlocked by the switching frequency limitation (parameter "Starts/h", see Menu 3-3 "Compressor Monitoring"). The message "Consumer disabled" was also output for these controllers. This message no longer exists for current versions (VS 3010).

Message "Consumers dis." is shown on the display!

For old VS 3000 (with firmware versions less than V2.00), consumer lockouts occur if all compressors are interlocked by the switching frequency limitation (parameter "Starts/h", see Menu 3-3 "Compressor Monitoring"). The message "Consumer disabled" was also output for these controllers. This message no longer exists for current versions (VS 3010).

Message "Consumers dis." is shown on the display!

For old VS 3000 (with firmware versions less than V2.00), consumer lockouts occur if all compressors are interlocked by the switching frequency limitation (parameter "Starts/h", see Menu 3-3 "Compressor Monitoring"). The message "Consumer disabled" was also output for these controllers. This message no longer exists for current versions (VS 3010).

Jeder User des EDP hat einen zusätzlichen Cloud-Speicher. Innerhalb der OwnCloud können Pfade erstellt werden, die hierüber mit einer EDP-Komponente verknüpft werden.

Auf diese Weise sind z.B. Massen-Uploads ins EDP möglich, d.h. es können beliebig viele Dokumente in den Pfad der OwnCloud kopiert werden, die dann automatisch in die zugeordnete Komponente im EDP synchronisiert werden.