The following points need to be checked:
- Is the CAN bus address selection switch set to a valid value? (1..4 for CAN addresses 117..120)
- Has the switch for the CAN bus terminating resistance been set correctly? (1 = with 100 Ohm terminating resistance, 0 = without)
- Has the receiver module been connected correctly to the CAN bus?
Tip: The connector pin assignment can be found in the inscription inside the housing!
If this is missing, the old and new connector pin assignment can be distinguished as follows:
Old: Can be identified by the spring type terminal for the power supply; viewed from the USB socket: CAN-HIGH, CAN-LOW, CAN-GND, SHLD
New - can be identified by the COMBICON socket for the power supply; viewed from the USB socket: SHLD, CAN-GND, CAN-LOW, CAN-HIGH
- Is it possible that the CAN segment employed has not been connected or reconnected to the existing CAN bus?
- Is a store computer being used with a version which is not compatible with the receiver module?
NOTE: A store computer with the version 4.19 or higher is required.