
During the establishment of a connection with LDSWin it is not possible to establish a stable modem connection, i.e. the connection to the store is continually interrupted.

Possible cause: Problems with the telephone system, i.e. telephone exchange.
Remedy: Select a lower transmission rate.
Example: Devolo MicroLink 56 i: 
For a significantly more stable connection, the initialisation command AT+MS=V32B,0,0,0 should be written into the modem driver via the menu item “Extended Options“ under Start/System Properties/..//Modem Properties on the PC, see graphic.

With all other modem types the initialisation command is to be obtained from the respective manual.

During the establishment of a connection with LDSWin it is not possible to establish a stable modem connection, i.e. the connection to the store is continually interrupted.

Possible cause: Problems with the telephone system, i.e. telephone exchange.
Remedy: Select a lower transmission rate.
Example: Devolo MicroLink 56 i: 
For a significantly more stable connection, the initialisation command AT+MS=V32B,0,0,0 should be written into the modem driver via the menu item “Extended Options“ under Start/System Properties/..//Modem Properties on the PC, see graphic.

With all other modem types the initialisation command is to be obtained from the respective manual.

During the establishment of a connection with LDSWin it is not possible to establish a stable modem connection, i.e. the connection to the store is continually interrupted.

Possible cause: Problems with the telephone system, i.e. telephone exchange.
Remedy: Select a lower transmission rate.
Example: Devolo MicroLink 56 i: 
For a significantly more stable connection, the initialisation command AT+MS=V32B,0,0,0 should be written into the modem driver via the menu item “Extended Options“ under Start/System Properties/..//Modem Properties on the PC, see graphic.

With all other modem types the initialisation command is to be obtained from the respective manual.

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