
Is it possible with the UA 30 controllers to call up the "Run Time RT"?

No. The "Run Time RT" of the UA 30 Rx Compact Case controllers cannot be queried from either the CI 4x00/CI 3000 nor using the LDSWin software.

Is it possible with the UA 30 controllers to call up the "Run Time RT"?

No. The "Run Time RT" of the UA 30 Rx Compact Case controllers cannot be queried from either the CI 4x00/CI 3000 nor using the LDSWin software.

Is it possible with the UA 30 controllers to call up the "Run Time RT"?

No. The "Run Time RT" of the UA 30 Rx Compact Case controllers cannot be queried from either the CI 4x00/CI 3000 nor using the LDSWin software.

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