
DISCONTINUED - System Centre CI 4000 Family


The System Centre is the cen­tral in­tel­li­gence of the E*LDS sys­tem. Via CAN bus, it com­mu­ni­cates with all com­po­nents. Store man­agers and re­frig­er­a­tion en­gi­neers can di­rect­ly ac­cess all sys­tem com­po­nents via the Central System or connect from oth­er lo­ca­tions via in­ter­net.

The following system centres were available:
  • CI 4000: S0/M-bus meter, BMS, successor for CI 3000 (without Modbus compact controllers)
  • CI 4100: CI 4000 + Modbus, successor for CI 3100
  • CI 4400: CI 4100 + LAN
  • CI 4500: CI 4400 + CAN bus repeater function
The System Centres CI 4x00 are DISCONTINUED!
To extend the range of functions, it is possible to migrate to a System Centre CI 5x00 unit.

Tip: For even better performance, we recommend that you switch to our System Centre Virtus 5. Information on the extension modules can be found here.

DISCONTINUED - System Centre CI 4000 Family


The System Centre is the cen­tral in­tel­li­gence of the E*LDS sys­tem. Via CAN bus, it com­mu­ni­cates with all com­po­nents. Store man­agers and re­frig­er­a­tion en­gi­neers can di­rect­ly ac­cess all sys­tem com­po­nents via the Central System or connect from oth­er lo­ca­tions via in­ter­net.

The following system centres were available:
  • CI 4000: S0/M-bus meter, BMS, successor for CI 3000 (without Modbus compact controllers)
  • CI 4100: CI 4000 + Modbus, successor for CI 3100
  • CI 4400: CI 4100 + LAN
  • CI 4500: CI 4400 + CAN bus repeater function
The System Centres CI 4x00 are DISCONTINUED!
To extend the range of functions, it is possible to migrate to a System Centre CI 5x00 unit.

Tip: For even better performance, we recommend that you switch to our System Centre Virtus 5. Information on the extension modules can be found here.

DISCONTINUED - System Centre CI 4000 Family


The System Centre is the cen­tral in­tel­li­gence of the E*LDS sys­tem. Via CAN bus, it com­mu­ni­cates with all com­po­nents. Store man­agers and re­frig­er­a­tion en­gi­neers can di­rect­ly ac­cess all sys­tem com­po­nents via the Central System or connect from oth­er lo­ca­tions via in­ter­net.

The following system centres were available:
  • CI 4000: S0/M-bus meter, BMS, successor for CI 3000 (without Modbus compact controllers)
  • CI 4100: CI 4000 + Modbus, successor for CI 3100
  • CI 4400: CI 4100 + LAN
  • CI 4500: CI 4400 + CAN bus repeater function
The System Centres CI 4x00 are DISCONTINUED!
To extend the range of functions, it is possible to migrate to a System Centre CI 5x00 unit.

Tip: For even better performance, we recommend that you switch to our System Centre Virtus 5. Information on the extension modules can be found here.

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