

Embedded Controller for PLC / CNC / motion
  • Seamless  integration of CNC and motion control functionality
  • CODESYS V3 run-time system
  • XBM-Bus with direct connection for fast I/O-modules of the XBM module family
  • High Speed Serial Bus (HSSB) for CPU-extension and additional fieldbus interfaces
  • Versatile technology specific functions (from circular / excentricity grinding to flame cutting)
  • Easy configuration by automatic detection of supported drives and an efficient engineering tool
  • CNC-kernel with extended instruction set
  • Possibility of customizing


Embedded Controller for PLC / CNC / motion
  • Seamless  integration of CNC and motion control functionality
  • CODESYS V3 run-time system
  • XBM-Bus with direct connection for fast I/O-modules of the XBM module family
  • High Speed Serial Bus (HSSB) for CPU-extension and additional fieldbus interfaces
  • Versatile technology specific functions (from circular / excentricity grinding to flame cutting)
  • Easy configuration by automatic detection of supported drives and an efficient engineering tool
  • CNC-kernel with extended instruction set
  • Possibility of customizing

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